Wednesday, September 07, 2005


Morgan is my older niece. She is 7 1/2 and in the second grade. What I love about Morgan is that she has total confidence right now. She can do anything and go anywhere and has no fear. She is very, very smart - almost too smart for her own good. And she's funny - our drama queen and fashionista. She loves to sing and dance and often puts on "shows" for us. It's pretty hilarious watching a 7 year old sing Red Neck Woman complete with cowboy boots.

A few typical Morganisms: at the age of 4 - "I'll never be a dog!". At the age of 5 "I guess I'll just use my tears for the watercolors!".

Morgan loves animals as much as I do, especially dogs and horses. She has a fish named BuddicaJoe that she says smiles at her to say hello. She wants to be a vet when she grows up so she can help animals who are sick. When I was there last week I asked her what she wanted to be for Halloween and she said a horse. Then she said she wished she had a fairy godmother who she could ask to help Santa bring her a horse for Christmas. Or better yet, to turn her into a horse. I asked her if she wouldn't miss her family once she was a horse. She said she would so she would ask the fairy godmother to turn all of her family into horses. But she would be the leader. Gotta love a kid who knows what she wants.

1 comment:

Stephen said...

She's got that on most of us, doesn't she? Ahhh, to be a kid again...