Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Leaf Musings

I picked up a few leaves on the ride home from work a couple of weeks ago. I thought they were colorful and interesting. This one I shot on top of my light tablet. It's what gives it the white background and it's what gives it that glow. I was afraid it might come out cheesy but I like the floatiness of it. Oh yeah, that's a technical photography term. No cropping.

This one was lit by room light and flash. It's of the underside of a leaf. I thought it was more suited to black and white. I also applied a slight antique tint to it. Again, no cropping.

This one I cropped to 8x10 (as opposed to the normal scale of 8x21) and it is also lit by flash and again from the back. I liked the curl of the leaf on this one and the almost leathery texture. As you can see, it's also the underside of the leaf. I often shoot flowers and leaves from their backsides. I also chose a black background for this to isolate it.

Last, but not least...an extreme closeup. God, I love my macro lens. It's as sharp as a pin. This one is also lit from behind by the light tablet. I wanted to fill the frame with the leaf. It's almost like a view from a plane of some exotic other world with roads and fields and rivers. No cropping on this one either.

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