Thursday, January 04, 2007

Annie Leibovitz, Part 2

Annie Leibovitz was on American Masters last night. I watched it, of course. As I mentioned in this post, I am a big fan of hers. I loved the show because not only did it showcase her photos, but it also showed her at work. I was drooling over the cameras she had. I found it most interesting to hear her talk about how she didn't know what she was doing along the way. It's funny to hear someone that you think is a genius express doubts. And it was funny to hear what the critics said about her. Everyone has critics, huh? You can't please everyone. So you have to please yourself!

I like her simple portraits best. Like this one. Or this one. I think that simplicity is what I try to achieve with my shots. Just the subject and the light. It's always all about the light.

These are some tulips I picked this weekend. I never get bored with tulips even though they aren't always easy to shoot. I played around with sepia and borders a little. I don't usually put borders on my photos. Maybe a white or black one around it. They kind of remind me of an old postcard or something.


Laurie said...

Gorgeous! I love tulips. I'm jealous that they are blooming in your area!

Bolder said...

2nd and 4th are my favs

not a fan of the borders, i guess i am so old school!

nothing should distract from your beautiful shots!!

i see grapes in my future, next week...

Anonymous said...

so beautiful--gorgeous shots. I like sepia, but without the borders, for whatever it's worth...

Lisa said...

Thanks for the feedback. I do appreciate it. :)