Monday, January 15, 2007

Tortilla Heaven

I'm back from my vacation. Both I and my camera got quite a workout. Let me tell you! Thank goodness I had a few hours to myself while Max was napping and the girls were in school or I'd have never made it. I can't imagine having done this back in my couch potato days. Although...I did get stuck on the curvy slide at the park until Madison informed me that I should bend my knees and keep my legs tucked. Then it worked just fine. One thing I love about those kids is that they really love being outside. If it's warm enough and dry, they are scootering, riding bikes, playing basketball, skip name it. Even Max would look longingly out the window and then run to the door when I said it was time to play. He loves to ride his tri-bike. Ok, his tricycle. And he can't reach the pedals really yet so all he does is push himself backwards with his feet. Still...I can see the cyclist in him already. Wishful thinking?

When it's cold or dark, then it's inside time. I wowed them with my dinosaur/cat/camera playdoh creations. Morgan, the card shark, beat me many, MANY times at Rummy. And yes, I was the Old Maid on more than one occasion. Saturday night, we decided to make tortillas. My sister and I thought it would be fun since we hadn't rolled tortillas since we were kids, I think. Anyway, it gave us a chance to tell the girls about our Grandma Poncha and how she used to make them. We were marveling to ourselves at all the work it was and that Grandma had done it EVERY morning! We had a new appreciation for how lucky we were growing up. So...we took turns rolling them out - Susan, my nieces, and me. None of them came out round! The United States, Mickey Mouse, a heart, a bat. I suggested we could use a coffee can to make them round! Did I mention that my grandmother's were perfectly round every time and she used to roll them with one hand! But they had more character this way and made the girls laugh. And boy were they DELICIOUS. Hot off the griddle, melting with butter...HEAVEN.

And then it was Sunday and I had to fly home. :( With good memories but an achy heart. My plane flies over thier house and I told Morgan what time I would be flying over so she could go out and look for me. I waved but I don't think she saw me! Just one last look for me until the next time. Oh but I do have pictures! Woo!


Laurie said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful time. Looks like you had a lot of fun making tortillas too.

Lisa said...

I did! If only I could move there... :)

Anonymous said...

one of the best things about being around itty bitty kids is getting to act like/play itty bitty kid games! a welcome little break from maturity...

Lisa said...

Oh yeah! Though I may, ahem, older, ahem, I'm still a kid inside so it's easy to slip into kid mode when I'm around them.