Thursday, August 18, 2005

The Garden of the Dinosaurs

Now that I ride my bike everywhere I go, I see some really interesting stuff. We live in a weird, weird world.

When I go to the gym to swim in the mornings, my route takes me by a quirky house. It's next to a field with mostly businesses around it. It might be an antique store but I think someone lives there as well. This house has quite a garden. But instead of a garden full of flowers, it has a garden full of dinosaurs. At least a dozen or so. And not toy dinosaurs. No, these are 7, 8, and 10 foot dinosaurs. Dinosaurs made out of metal including a T-Rex, a Triceratops, and many others that I don't know the name of. I think this person makes them. And I have to wonder if they sell them and if anyone has ever purchased one. It seems like their "garden" keeps growing so it's hard to tell.

I always smile when I go past this house. With all the dinosaurs in the yard, it looks like a toy house. It looks as if some giant kid left his toys lying in a field. Who owns this house? Why did they start making these dinosaurs? What will he/she do when they run out of room? Do people ever stop to ask?

One of these days when I ride by it at a decent hour, I'm going to stop and check them out. I'm curious to see what this person looks like. I think it's great that they are doing their "thing". The thing that people always tell you isn't sensible or won't make you money or just won't work. I've been hating my job lately and trying to think of a "thing" that I could do instead. Something to make me happy. Something that takes me out of an office. Something that I'll look back on with satisfaction. I'm pretty sure it's not making a dinosaur garden. But there's got to be something...


Stephen said...

Maybe this house will make it on one of those shows like "Offbeat America" or "Odd Space"--hehe. I love those shows. Mainly because the people that are on the show have houses/do things that people say can't be done. I think it's in our innate make-up as people to try to do things others don't think can be done--or at least "tri", right? hehe

I'm right there with you, Lisa--on the finding something thing. We only have one life and we need to do what we enjoy, right? I just want to train all day:)

Lisa said...

I wish I could train all day too... Just hopefully before I get too much older! :) For now, it will just have to be our hobbies that make us happy, right? And our nephews and nieces!