Friday, September 02, 2005


I need to lighten up so I'm going to talk about my niece, Madison, for a bit. She is 5 years old and a riot. She's a little quieter than Morgan (her older sister - the drama queen who loves the spotlight) but she is one stubborn & determined little girl. In some ways, she is very laid back and easy going. But if she wants something, she doesn't let anything or anyone get in the way. You should see the determination in her jaw when she is riding her bike as fast as her little legs will go to catch up with the bigger kids. She is a speed demon on her bike (just like her aunt). :) But it's not about winning for her. When we race (Morgan, Madison, & me), Morgan is all about winning and being first. Madison just runs for the joy of it. She isn't even aware of where we are. She's off in her own little world. I love that about her.

Madison doesn't watch tv or movies. She would rather be playing with her dolls. She has an infinite number of dolls and they are all named Baby. I asked her once why she didn't try Laura or Kathy or something else and she said she liked Baby. I'll never forget the utter glee on her face and the images of her literally jumping for joy last Christmas over the new kitchen and washer/dryer filled with baby clothes that her Papa gave her. I thought she was going to burst she was so happy. :)

She is also one smart little cookie. She started Kindergarden this year and so far her favorite part is recess. But she is working really hard on her numbers and letters and she loves books. I think she takes after me. :)

1 comment:

Pirate said...

I've always liked the name Madison for girls.

I have posted a suggestion for helping the survivors of Katrina on my blog. Let me know if you can help get the word out. Thanks