Thursday, March 22, 2007

El Fin

No, no drama. Just the end. Blogger is a pain to post more than a couple photos to and get them to line up properly. So I've decided to close down this blog and just keep my Photoblog blog. I was duplicating myself between them a little anyway. But I wanted to do one last post. To say thank you to all of you who've read my blog and commented. And for your compliments. :) I appreciate them immensely.

I thought that a good way to end this blog would be to go back to the beginning. To the roots of my photography. Back when I was a wee lass. Ok, maybe not quite that wee. To when I was around 13 or 14. By then, I'd already had my first camera (a Kodak instamatic 110) a few years. In the beginning, I'd used it mostly to take pictures of families and friends. When I was 12, my parents seperated and my dad started taking us on road trips. The top 3 photos in this post are from one of those trips. He rented a motorhome and took my grandparents, my sister, and I through Ariizona and New Mexico for two weeks. To the Grand Canyon, Sedona, Tucson, Albuquerque, and Carlsbad Caverns. Anyway, I think it was these trips that started me on the path to photography as being more than snapshots. Oh sure, I still did plenty of those. But I also tried to capture the beauty of the places we saw. Which wasn't easy with that little 110, let me tell you.

These last two are of my dog Tiny. We got her when I was 7 years old and she was my dog for 19 years. I loved this little dog so much. She definitely helped me thru a lot of turbulent years. Always good for a smile or a laugh. She loved car rides and sunflower seeds and sitting in window sills. The top photo of her was with my 110. I was 13 and she was 6. Yes, that is a Hall & Oates album in the background. And a Trixie Belden book on my bed. She was pretty used to having her picture taken as you can see by her professional pose. :P The last photo I took when I was 17 with the "new" Canon AE-1P that my grandmother bought and I inherited. She was a scrappy little thing, eh?

So that's my blast to the past. 20+ years difference but I guess I haven't really changed much as far as subjects go. I still take photos of the people I love and the landscapes around me. :)

Like I said, I'll still be posting on Photoblog so if you are curious about what I'm up to, you can visit there. Photoblog allows anonymous comments now if you'd like to drop a line or two as well. But if not, thanks again for reading this one. :)


Laurie said...

Awwwwwwwww. (That was literally the sound I made when I read about your graceful ending.) But I understand. It seems silly to be posting similar things in two places. I will definitely check you out over there. I just hope you continue with the narrative you attach to your photos. It is always interesting to hear the photographer's perspective. As always, thank you for sharing :)

Lisa said...

And thank you too. :) Your comments have been very supportive and insightful.

DV said...

bookmark changed... see ya on photoblog!

Lisa said...

Cool :)

Anonymous said...

It's nice you shred them with us while you did. Everybody can look in the face of someone they don't know and see a piece of their own grandfather, their own sister, and remember the days of yore.

Cute little puppy!